Welcome to My Canvas

A fun, random, delightful sort of a place where you can bring your coffee or earl grey and settle in for a laugh, a cry or some much needed encouragement...

Monday, February 22, 2010


Well, it's late...I'm tired...and it's been a long 2 weeks. SO many fun days and times and SO many long days and frustrating times. God has heard my prayers, comforted me and given me strength. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. My emotions, however, often feel like the wind, ever changing it's direction. It has been a long time since I have just written straight from my heart. I'm usually way too concerned with what people think and how they will perceive me. Somewhere I read though that a great writer is an honest writer. Well, here goes it for honesty!

Random note: I don't have a single weekend planned out for the next 2 months and it is driving me crazy. We have several places we need/want to go, but have no idea how it will all work out or if we will get any of it accomplished. For a gal who has had a planner since she was 10, this is a stretch. Last night I began praying that God would make our schedule clear to us, that I would trust Him and let Him lead us and that we would have the mindset of acknowledging that we aren't even garaunteed tomorrow. I really need faith behind this prayer!

My mom's cousin passed away this past week due to cancer and it is so extrememly sad. Scripture tells us though to rejoice that they are with Jesus if they are saved and I beleive she is. However, she is leaving behind sons and a beloved husband as well as her mom and aunts and uncles, extended family, friends, etc. who all loved her and will miss her very much. I'm really concerned for my one aunt and uncle and cousin in particular. Please pray with me that they hear the gospel through this, that God softens their hearts and that they will be saved.

Compared to that my issues seem so petty...but since I live with my issues daily inside our apartment then they grow into a monster of a mess. Ever feel chained to something? It's like this... everything that I want to be doing right now I either can't due to finances, this season of life we are in or because I will let a bunch of people down. Now, God is bigger than all of those reasons and can totally change the circumstances. Do I ask Him to? Do I wait and see what He has planned? Do I just shut up and trust? Should I take a leap towards a dream? Am I not trusting Him by asking all of this? Am I just waiting for answers to appear in the sky or through someone else? Am I really just struggling with discontentment? How do I know? Why can't I just be happy with where I am?

There you have it. You have heard it. I can't tell you all of the details. I can, however, tell you that God has blessed us immensely. I'm not just saying that to feel better, I am saying it because I know it to be true. Sometimes I just need to hear that, "Everything is going to be ok" phrase. By stopping and thanking God for His blessings, it's a way to remind myself of that truth. It's all going to be ok. He loves us more than I can imagine and that either way, no matter what happens, I must trust Him, take faith and be of good courage. Even when it's hard. Even when my heart is sinking and my questions are rising. Even when daily life doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere near my dreams. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

"For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you a future and a peace." Jeremiah 29:11.

Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, my kindred spirits, for helping me process.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Redeem the Time

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16

While my hubby is slaving away in his studies, I decided to take a class myself that is offered for Seminary Wives! It is called "Redeeming the Time" and my teacher is none other than the President's wife. She can be a bit intimidating as she seems to have it ALL together...have you ever met someone like that? Thankfully, though she is teaching me how to at least "appear" that way as well. ha ha!

She truly is a delightful women and has quite a bit of experience in ministry. I came across an article that she had written years ago that I hope will encourage you during this season...

Mary K. Mohler -
Sometimes I feel as though I'm being pulled by the hand, my hair blowing behing me as in a wind tunnel. It's almost as though I'm living in a fast-forward mode with scenes passing by at record speed. I am still in my thirties, yet days, months, and years fly by, especially when I look at the faces of my children.

Our lives are a mere blip on the world's radar screen. We want to make a lasting impact for the cause for Christ. We can recite names of ministry wives from histroy who have made signigicant contributions, women from Katharina Luther to Susanna Wesley to Sarah Edwards to Susannah Spurgeon, to name just a few. Countless others have made a profound impact, althought few people would recognize their names.

God has purposely placed women in our lives whom we can mentor and influence for a season. There are opportunities for Kingdom advancement all around us. How tragic when we let these opportunities clip by! If God grants us length of days, we wil lahve the joy of sitting in our rocking chairs to reflect on our lives. Will you regret that you were too busy to redeem the time? Did you let disorganization and misplaced priorities limit your availability? Today is the day to resolve to make changes, with the Lord's help.

What will history record about your pilgrimage as a ministry wife? Think about what you want your legacy to look like. Pray about how you can take steps toward achieving what the Lord wants you to do- and then redeem the time and do it.

Lord, let us be wise even today to use whatever circumstances come our way to be tasks undertaken for you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Hair Revolution!

Finally! Bliss with my curls!!! I have lived in the darkness far too long. I believe it was last Thursday that I dramatically proclaimed to my husband that I was chopping off my hair...again. He laughed and said, no. He reminded me that he loves it long and so do I when I really think about it. He's right. I always miss it after it's gone. So, out of desperation I began searching the net frantically looking for a solution for these wavy, untamed, frizzy curls. Alas, little did I know (until today) that I found a fantastic solution!!! A sweet fellow blogger shared her well-kept secret. Honey. No, I'm not talking to my hubby. I'm serious....HONEY! Here's what you do:

1. Take a jar of honey to the shower along with a glass jar and lid (to prevent mildew and just the center part of the metal lid will do).

2. Wash hair as usual (only 2-3 times per week is necessary for curls) and then condition (I usually let the conditioner soak into my hair while I shave...just throw it into a bun on your head a ponytail holder if needed).

3. Rinse out conditioner.

4. Now here's the fun part, pour honey into empty jar covering the bottom or a little more for longer, fuller hair.

5. Fill jar with warm shower water and shake, shake, shake!

6. Pour over hair and leave it!

7. Towel dry to remove drips.

8. Air dry (or use difuser if a quick dry is needed) and enjoy those curls!!! (I also add a little mouse to help it hold).

* Not only do you get pretty curls but also golden highlights and it is rumored that honey helps your hair grow!

** If hair is too crunchy cut back on the amount of honey next time.

Now isn't that just delightful! I'm always skeptical of these things because my hair usually seems to be the exception, but this actually worked!!! I'm thrilled! Have fun, sista!